Consider following test data return by data provider.
TestcaseID | uname | password | id | name | price |
12345 | user1 | @Test123# | 101 | Item-1 | 10.50 |
12346 | user1 | @Test123# | 102 | Item-2 | 50.0 |
12347 | user1 | @Test123# | 103 | Item-3 | 125.99 |
12348 | user2 | @Test123# | 104 | Item-4 | 99.99 |
12349 | user2 | @Test123# | 105 | Item-5 | 199.0 |
12350 | user3 | @Test123# | 106 | Item-6 | 15.0 |
meta-key used to apply filter on data set returned by the data-provider that returns List of Maps. It must represent logical expression that returns true or false. You can use map key as context variable and test meta-data as parameter. For example above test data has “uname”, “name”, “id” and “price”, you can have expression that filters records for price above 100 as below:
- price>100
- uname.equalsIgnoreCase('user1') && price>25
- id==103
As you can use test case meta-data, method name as “method” and class name as “class” as parameters, Another example of using test case meta-data in filter assuming test case meta-data has meta-data “testCaseID”. This is more useful when configuring data provider globally.
@QAFDataProvider(..., filter="id==103")
public void editItem(Map<String, Object> data){
Scenario: editItem
Meta-data: {<data-provider meta data>,'filter':'id==103'}
<data-provider meta data>
Scenario: editItem
Scenario: editItem
Examples: {<data-provider meta data>,'filter':'id==103'}
Indices start from 0. In example below indices
set to [1,3]
will return second (id=102) and forth (id=104) records.
public void editItem(Map<String, Object> data){
Scenario: editItem
Meta-data: {<data-provider meta data>,'indices':[1,3]}
<data-provider meta data>
Scenario: editItem
Scenario: editItem
Examples: {<data-provider meta data>,'indices':[1,3]}
You can specify start index using from
and end index using to
to provide subset of records in data set base 1.
@MetaData("{'from':3}") // will return subset starting from third record in dataset
@MetaData("{'to':3}") // will return subset from first to third record (including first and third) in dataset
@MetaData("{'from':2,'to':4}") // will return subset from second to forth record (including second and forth) in datset
# will return subset starting from third record in dataset
Meta-data: {<data-provider meta data>,'from':3}
# will return subset from first to third record (including first and third) in dataset
Meta-data:{<data-provider meta data>,'to':3}
Meta-data:{<data-provider meta data>,'from':2,'to':4}
# will return subset from second to forth record (including second and forth) in datset
# will return subset starting from third record in dataset
<data-provider meta data>
# will return subset from first to third record (including first and third) in dataset
<data-provider meta data>
<data-provider meta data>
@from:2 @to:4
# will return subset from second to forth record (including second and forth) in datset