QAF provide different way to specify properties and you need to know which value will take effect when you are providing same property with multiple ways. Following are ways of providing property in the order of their priority.

  1. System property
  2. TestNG parameter
  3. Property file (either xml or .properties)

Consider the following default file where properties are provided for execution environment.

#set one of the platform: mobile or web

Now consider the following configuration file.

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="AUT Test Automation" verbose="0" parallel="false">
    <test name="whotels brand">
        <parameter name="" value="whotels" />
            <class name="com.aut.automation.tests.web.Demo" />

Here you can see that “” is provided at two places, one in property file and second in configuration file. In this case “” value will take effect from configuration file as it has high priority then property defined in property file.

Encryption support

With 2.1.13, QAF supports encryted values for any secure data, for instance password. When configuration manager found any key starts with encrypted prefix, for example encripted.db.pwd, then it will store decrypted value without prefix, db.pwd in this example. So you can reference decrypted value anywhere in the code with key without this prefix (db.pwd in this example).

By default encryption is Base64 so value for the properties with prefix encrypted is expected Base64 encrypted. If you want to use custom encryption algorithm and provide other than Base64 encrypted value, you need to set PasswordDecryptor using property password.decryptor.impl with fully qualified name of the class that implements PasswordDecryptor. The implementation will be used to decrypt password, When configuration manager found any key starts with encrypted

Example: Property file:


in code:

String pwd = getBundle().getString("user.pwd");

If you want sendkeys to log encrypted password instead of plain text not using property to hold value (for example data-driven test), set element meta-data type to password and use encrypted value. Make sure you haven’t disabled element meta-data listener. For example:


my.pwd.fld = {"locator":"xpath=//*[@name='password']","desc":"Password Input box", "type":'password'}
String encryptedPwd = getBundle().getString("encrypted.user.pwd");