QAF BDD2 is derived from QAF BDD and gherkin. It supports meta-data from qaf bdd as tags and examples from gherkin.


BDD2 syntax is derived from QAF BDD, Jbehave and Gherkin. Following are features of BDD2:

  • Custom Meta-Data that supports meta-data filters, meta-data rules and formatter
  • Parameter support in step argument
  • Data driven test using embedded or external test data
    • External test data from external source (CSV, XML, JSON, EXCEL, DB)
    • Embedded test data using Examples
  • Background support
  • Compatible with QAF-geherkin or any other gherkin editor.
  • Supported by TestNG runner using BDDTestFactory2 and by cucumber runner using QAF-cucumber


Scenario metadata provides information to help categorize and manage scenarios. The meta-data are collected as part of the BDD parsing and made available for different uses, e.g. grouping scenario, Scenario selection, setting priority, setting data-provider.

Unlike BDD, in BDD2 meta-data are provided before scenario declaration using @ as key value pair separated with : sign. Meta-data not provided as key value pair will be considered as groups.

  • There are predefined meta-key available to use which are listed here.
  • You can define your custom meta-key to categorize scenarios as per AUT. You can choose whatever names are most appropriate for the information they are trying to convey.
  • Meta-data can be used for scenario selection by providing meta-data filter.
@description:Data driven test that uses csv file to provide data
@group1 @group2
@author: Chirag Jayswal
SCENARIO: Scenario Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select 'grapes'
	Then the color should be 'green'

Meta-value can string, number, boolean or list.


Meta data can be provided with following elements:

  • Feature
  • Scenario
  • Scenario Outline
  • Examples

Meta data provided to feature will be inherited by each scenario or scenario outline.

Data-driven Scenario

You can iterate your scenario with set of test data by providing examples with scenario outline. You also can provide data from qaf data provider by providing @QAFDataProvider property as meta-data.Refer make test data driven, any of the @QAFDataProvider property you can set as meta-data.

Below example demonstrates data-driven feature using csv data-provider

@author:Chirag Jayswal @regression 
SCENARIO: Data-driven Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'

Below is csv data file and first row is column names.



Scenario outline with examples.

@author:Chirag Jayswal
Scenario Outline: Data-driven Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'


You can also use groups/tags with Examples, however data-provider recommended over Examples with or without groups.

If you want to uses custom data set you need to provide data provider class and data provider name in meta-data.

@regression @author:Chirag Jayswal
Scenario: Custom Data provider Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'

Above scenario will use custom data provider defined in class CustomDataProvider. It will add regression group and Chirag Jayswal as custom meta-data to specify author.

package my.project.impl;

import java.util.Map;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;

 * @author chirag.jayswal
public class CustomDataProvider {
	public static Object[][] dataProviderForBDD(){
		Map<Object, Object> rec1 = Maps.newHashMap();
		m.put("fruit", "grapes");
		m.put("color", "green");
		Map<Object, Object> rec2 = Maps.newHashMap();
		m.put("fruit", "banana");
		m.put("color", "yellow");
		return new Object[][] {{rec1},{rec2}} ;


Comments can be placed any where in the bdd file. Comment can be single line or multiline. Single line comment starts with # or !.

Multi-line comments start with """ and end with """.Multiline comment in scenario or background logged in report as info message, however comments outside will not logged in report.

 # this is example of single line comment
 # single line comment will be ignored by BDD parser
 ! this is also a comment
 This is multi line comment
 will be logged in report if it is inside background or scenario.


To break statement in multiple line you can use _& as line break.

Tags: bdd scenario