Test step can be defined in .java (coded) or .bdl (code-less) files. Test step consists of implementation and description, with which it is known. Description is also used to reporting the step. Description must have same number of placeholder as number of arguments expected in step. The argument placeholder can be argument number or meaningful name for the argument.
- Ease of implementation
- Support complex objects
- Supports argument formatter
for BDD
Step in Java
@QAFTestStep(description="meaning full step descriptor")
public <return_type> stepMethod(<parameters>) {
//step implementation
Step in BDL
STEP-DEF:<meaningfull step description>
META-DATA:<valid json object>
[Keyword] <first step description with parameters>
[Keyword] <nth step description>
Regular expressions are supported for description of test step
To define step, which contains parameters:
user logins with {0} and {1}
user logins with {0:string} and {1:string}
user (logins|signins) with {0} and {1}
user (log|sign)ins with {0} and {1}
This step can be consumed from *.bdd file as:
user logins with 'username' and 'password'
user logins with 'username' and 'password'
More examples for defining step and consuming them:
Using method argument name instead of numbers for parameters in step description
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user logins with {username} and {password}")
public void login(String username, String password) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user logins with {0} and {1}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Given COMMENT: '${args[1]}'
// step implementation
STEP-DEF: user (log|sign)ins with {0:map}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
As well as
Meta-Data: {'description' : 'user (log|sign)ins with {0:map}'}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Can be consumed as:
Given user logins with 'username' and 'password123#'
Using regular expression for flexibility in using the step
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user (log|sign)ins with {username} and {password}")
public void login(String username, String password) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user (log|sign)ins with {0} and {1}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Given COMMENT: '${args[1]}'
// step implementation
Can be consumed as:
Given user logins with 'username' and 'password123#'
Given user signins with 'username' and 'password123#'
Using/Passing map structured data in argument of step
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user logins with {credentials}")
public void login(Map<String, String> creds) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user logins with {0}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Can be consumed as:
Given user logins with {'username':'user123','password':'password123#'}
Using/Passing Array data in argument of step
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user should have {access_types} access")
public void login(String[] access_types) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user should have {0} access
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Can be consumed as:
Given user should have ['read','write','modify'] access