Key | Default Value | Description |
env.baseurl | Base URL of web application under test | |
env.resources | resources | List of files or folder from that you want to load resources like testdata, locators and properties. |
step.provider.pkg | Provide a list of packages to load teststep, required only for step client other than java. | |
scenario.file.loc | scenarios | list of file/folder from where bdd/kwd scenarios need to be executed |
remote.server | localhost | If you are using remote driver, specify server. |
remote.port | 4444 | If you are using remote driver, specify port on which selenium server is running. | | Name of driver to create instance of that driver. Available Possible Values. firefoxDriver, iExplorerDriver, chromeDriver, operaDriver, androidDriver, iPhoneDriver, appiumDriver, otherDriver : To use custom driver, provide driver class as capability. Example: To use PhantomJSDriver other.additional.capabilities={‘driverClass’:’org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriver’} |
webdriver.remote.session | selenium remote session id for debugging purpose. | |
selenium.wait.timeout | 30000 | Default timeout in ms for all the element related commands and for waitservices methods. | | Sepcify IEDriverServer file path here. Required when using iExplorerDriver | | | Sepcify chromedriver file path here. Required when using chromeDriver | |
selenium.success.screenshots | 1 | Specify whether to capture screenshot or not on checkpoint success. Possible values 0 or 1, true or false. |
selenium.failure.screenshots | 1 | Specify whether to capture screenshot or not on checkpoint failure. Possible values 0 or 1, true or false. |
wd.command.listeners | list of qualified class name that implements WebDriver Listener. From 2.1.9 You can use qaf.listeners as well instead of this property to register webdriver command listener. |
we.command.listeners | list of qualified class name that implements WebElement Listener. From 2.1.9 You can use qaf.listeners as well instead of this property to register webelement command listener. |
teststep.listeners | list of qualified class name that implements TestStep Listener. From 2.1.9 You can use qaf.listeners as well instead of this property to register teststep listener. |
qaf.listeners | list of qualified class name that implements any of the QAF listener . Single property that can be used to registe any of the qaf listener (webdriver, webelement to teststep). (:since 2.1.9) | |
retry.count | 0 | To retry testcase if testcase failed cause of any exception. Note: testcase will not retry if there is any checkpoint failure. |
bean.populate.random | false | Set true to fill bean randomly from available data sets, more details fill Databean from multiple dataset. |
selenium.singletone | To define driver instance scope.Possible value can be Tests or Methods or Groups. | |
driver.init.retry.timeout | 0 | Duration in multiplication of 10 seconds for example 50. Set time out for retry driver initialization when driver initialization fail (since 2.1.9). |
step.provider.sharedinstance | false | specify wherether to share class object among step in the same class. (since 2.1.9) |
https.accept.all.cert | false | Set true to trust all certificates and ignore host name verification for web-services (since 2.1.13) |
element.default.listener | true | Specify weather to attach ElementMetaDataListener or not. (since 2.1.13) |
element.default.metadata | To set default meta-data for webelement. Meta-data provided with locator has higher preference than default values. (since 2.1.13) | |
password.decryptor.impl | full qualified name of the class that implements PasswordDecryptor . This implementation will be used to decrypt password. When configuration manager found any key starts with encrypted (since 2.1.13) |
tc.identifier.key | testCaseId | test case identifier meta-key which will be used to as file name of test case result json file. (since 2.1.13) |