Scenario consist of meta-data and sequence of steps to represents a single test case. Each step can be started with standard BDD keywords [Given | When | Then | And | Having]. Refer list of available keywords.

Scenario consist of meta-data and sequence of steps to represents a single test case. Each step can be started with standard BDD keywords.

List of available keywords.



Scenario: <Name of the Scenario>
Meta-data: {<meta-key>:<meta-value>[,<meta-key>:<meta-value>]}
[Keyword] <first step description with parameters>
 [Keyword] <nth step description>

Want to iterate with set of test data from file? You got it with data-driven Scenario.

Comment and line-break

  • Comment: # or !
  • Line break: _&


  • There are predefined meta-key available to use which are list in table below.
  • You can define your custom meta-key to categorize scenarios as per AUT. You can choose whatever names are most appropriate for the information they are trying to convey.
  • The meta-data are collected as part of the scenario parsing and made available for different uses, e.g. Scenario selection, setting priority
Pre-Defined Meta-Keys Type Comments
description Text Text to describe scenario in detail
dataFile Data-file path Xls or xlsx file name for data driven scenario
sheetName Text Xls or xlsx file sheet name for the data driven senario
key Text key which is node of xml tree
SQL query Text sql query is required to get data from database.
enabled True or false Switch to consider scenario executable
groups Array of String List of groups of test case, i.e. smoke, regression, P1 etc.
priority Number Defines the order in which scenario should be executed. Higher the priority, earlier it will execute
dependsOnGroups Array of String Scenarios of Groups, to be executed before
dependsOnMethods Array of String Scenarios to be executed before
dataProviderClass Fully qualified class name required if you want to use custom data provider (since 2.1.12)
dataProvider name of the data provider required when you want to use custom data provider (since 2.1.12)

Data-driven Scenario

You can iterate your scenario with set of test data. Refer make test data driven, any of the @QAFDataProvider property you can set as meta-data. Below example demonstrates data-driven feature

SCENARIO: Data-driven Example 
META-DATA: {"dataFile":"resources/data/testdata.csv","description":"Data driven test that uses csv file to provide data"}
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'


Below is csv data file and first row is column names.



If you want to uses custom data set you need to provide data provider class and data provider name in meta-data.

SCENARIO: Custom Data provider Example 
META-DATA: {"dataProvider":"my-custom-dp", "dataProviderClass":"my.project.impl.CustomDataProvider","description":"Data driven test that uses custom data provider"}
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'


package my.project.impl;

import java.util.Map;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;

 * @author chirag.jayswal
public class CustomDataProvider {
	public static Object[][] dataProviderForBDD(){
		Map<Object, Object> rec1 = Maps.newHashMap();
		m.put("fruit", "grapes");
		m.put("color", "green");
		Map<Object, Object> rec2 = Maps.newHashMap();
		m.put("fruit", "banana");
		m.put("color", "yellow");
		return new Object[][] {{rec1},{rec2}} ;

Tags: bdd scenario