Test step can be defined in .java or .bdl files. It consists of description, with which it is known.
Step in Java
@QAFTestStep(description="meaning full step descriptor")
public <return_type> stepMethod(<parameters>) {
//step implementation
Step in BDL
STEP-DEF:<meaningfull step description>
META-DATA:<valid json object>
[Keyword] <first step description with parameters>
[Keyword] <nth step description>
Regular expressions are supported for description of test step
To define step, which contains parameters:
user logins with {0} and {1}
user logins with {0:string} and {1:string}
user (logins|signins) with {0} and {1}
user (log|sign)ins with {0} and {1}
This step can be consumed from *.bdd file as:
user logins with 'username' and 'password'
user logins with 'username' and 'password'
More examples for defining step and consuming them:
Using method argument name instead of numbers for parameters in step description
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user logins with {username} and {password}")
public void login(String username, String password) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user logins with {0} and {1}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Given COMMENT: '${args[1]}'
// step implementation
As well as
Meta-Data: user (log|sign)ins with {0:map}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Can be consumed as:
Given user logins with 'username' and 'password123#'
Using regular expression for flexibility in using the step
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user (log|sign)ins with {username} and {password}")
public void login(String username, String password) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user (log|sign)ins with {0} and {1}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Given COMMENT: '${args[1]}'
// step implementation
Can be consumed as:
Given user logins with 'username' and 'password123#'
Given user signins with 'username' and 'password123#'
Using/Passing map structured data in argument of step
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user logins with {credentials}")
public void login(Map<String, String> creds) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user logins with {0}
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Can be consumed as:
Given user logins with {'username':'user123','password':'password123#'}
Using/Passing Array data in argument of step
Test Step Declaration In java
@QAFTestStep(description = "user should have {access_types} access")
public void login(String[] access_types) {
// step implementation
Test Step Declaration In BDL
STEP-DEF:user should have {0} access
Given COMMENT: '${args[0]}'
Can be consumed as:
Given user should have ['read','write','modify'] access