Testcase meta-data provides information to help manage a test case.The meta-data are collected as part of the BDD parsing.


Meta-data with test case provides information to help manage test cases. In Java test case is defined with @Test annotation on method and in BDD test case is defined with Scenario statement. Each meta-data provided as combination of meta-key and meta-value. The meta-data are collected as part of the BDD parsing and made available for different uses, e.g. grouping scenario, setting data-provider. It can be used for scenario selection by providing meta-data filter and in listeners.

Meta-value can be string, number, boolean, list or map.

Meta data can be provided with following statements:

  • Feature
  • Scenario or Scenario Outline

Meta data provided to feature will be inherited by each scenario.

Example BDD2:

In BDD2 meta-data declaration starts with @ followed by meta-key and meta-value separated with :.

Feature:  example feature

@description:This is example scenario in BDD2
@grp1 @grp2
@author: Chirag Jayswal
Scenario: example

Meta-data without value will be considered as groups in BDD2. in example above, @grp1 and @grp2 will be considered as groups grp1 and grp2

Example BDD:

In BDD meta-data provided as JSON map of meta-key and meta-value with Meta-data statement.

Feature: example feature
Meta-data:{'enabled':true, 'channel':['web','mobile']}

Scenario: example
Meta-data:{'TestID':'12345', 'description':'This is example scenario in BDD', 'groups':['grp1','grp2'],'author':'Chirag Jayswal'}

Example Java:

In Java meta-data provided as JSON map of meta-key and meta-value with @MetaData annotation. Any annotation provided on test method including @Test and @QAFDataProvider represents meta-data.

@Test(description="This is example scenario in BDD",groups={"grp1","grp2"})
@MetaData("{'TestID':'12345', 'channel':['web','mobile'] ,'author':'Chirag Jayswal'}}"
public void example(){


Example Gherkin:

In Gherkin meta-data declaration starts with @ followed by value. Gherkin syntax supports only groups.

Feature:  example feature

@grp1 @grp2
Scenario: example

Pre-Defined Meta-data for BDD

Parameters of @Test and @QAFDataProvider can be used as meta-data and it will work same as working for test case written in Java. Refer meta-data for data-providers and predefined meta-key available to use which are listed in table below. In addition to predefined meta-data, you can have your custom meta-key to categorize scenarios as per AUT. You can choose whatever names are most appropriate for the information they are trying to convey. In examples above, TestID and channel represents custom meta-data.

Pre-Defined Meta-Keys Type Comments
description Text Text to describe scenario in detail
enabled True or false Switch to consider scenario executable
groups Array of String List of groups of test case, i.e. smoke, regression, P1 etc.
priority Number Defines the order in which scenario should be executed. Higher the priority, earlier it will execute
dependsOnGroups Array of String Scenarios of Groups, to be executed before
dependsOnMethods Array of String Scenarios to be executed before
dataProviderClass Fully qualified class name required if you want to use custom data provider (since 2.1.12)
dataProvider name of the data provider required when you want to use custom data provider (since 2.1.12)
Tags: bdd scenario