QAF BDD2 is derived from QAF BDD and gherkin. It supports meta-data from qaf bdd as tags and examples from gherkin.


Comments can be placed any where in the bdd file. Comment can be single line or multiline. Single line comment starts with # or !.

Multi-line comments start with """ and end with """.Multiline comment in scenario or background logged in report as info message, however comments outside will not logged in report.

 # this is example of single line comment
 # single line comment will be ignored by BDD parser
 ! this is also a comment
 This is multi line comment
 will be logged in report if it is inside background or scenario.


To break statement in multiple line you can use _& as line break.


  • There are predefined meta-key available to use which are listed in meta-data.
  • You can define your custom meta-key to categorize scenarios as per AUT. You can choose whatever names are most appropriate for the information they are trying to convey.
  • The meta-data are collected as part of the scenario parsing and made available for different uses, e.g. Scenario selection, setting priority
@description:Data driven test that uses csv file to provide data
@group1 @group2
@author: Chirag Jayswal
SCENARIO: Scenario Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select 'grapes'
	Then the color should be 'green'

Data-driven Scenario

You can iterate your scenario with set of test data by providing examples with scenario outline. You also can provide data from qaf data provider by providing @QAFDataProvider property as meta-data.Refer make test data driven, any of the @QAFDataProvider property you can set as meta-data.

Below example demonstrates data-driven feature

@author:Chirag Jayswal @regression 
SCENARIO: Data-driven Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'

Below is csv data file and first row is column names.



Scenario outline with examples.

@author:Chirag Jayswal
Scenario Outline: Data-driven Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'


You can also use groups/tags with Examples, however data-provider recommended over Examples with or without groups.

If you want to uses custom data set you need to provide data provider class and data provider name in meta-data.

@regression @author:Chirag Jayswal
Scenario: Custom Data provider Example 
	Given I am on fruits and colors activity
	When i select '${fruit}'
	Then the color should be '${color}'

Above scenario will use custom data provider defined in class CustomDataProvider. It will add regression group and Chirag Jayswal as custom meta-data author.

package my.project.impl;

import java.util.Map;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;

 * @author chirag.jayswal
public class CustomDataProvider {
	public static Object[][] dataProviderForBDD(){
		Map<Object, Object> rec1 = Maps.newHashMap();
		m.put("fruit", "grapes");
		m.put("color", "green");
		Map<Object, Object> rec2 = Maps.newHashMap();
		m.put("fruit", "banana");
		m.put("color", "yellow");
		return new Object[][] {{rec1},{rec2}} ;

Tags: bdd scenario