Blank Project

If you are starting form scratch, please refer Creating Test Project under Get started.


You can use QAF as a Maven Artifact. Users would need to add this to their pom.xml:

Repository entry:


Maven Dependency Entry:



Create or update ivysettings.xml file to add new repository. Alternately you can add settings block into ivy.xml as well.

IVY settings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <settings defaultResolver="qaf"/>
        <chain name="qaf">
            <ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
            <ibiblio name="QAF" m2compatible="true" root="" />
            <ibiblio name="jai" m2compatible="true"
				root="" />

IVY Dependency Entry

<dependency org="com.qmetry" name="qaf" rev="qaf-2.1.9.integration" />
<dependency org="com.qmetry" name="qaf-support" rev="qaf-2.1.9.integration" />

Direct Download

You can download QAF jar from here.

You can download QAF Support jar from here.